B2GM Linac Report Directory

Belle II General Meeting (B2GM) Reports related to Injector Linac and Accelerator

Since 2018 the B2GM web materials are not public. Injector and accelerator related materials are copied here. Some of older injector related materials are kept here as well.

51st B2GM, Jun.16.2025

50th B2GM, Feb.24.2025

49th B2GM, Oct.07.2024,
G.Mitsuka, SuperKEKB work of summer and plan/strategy for 2024c,
Y.Funakoshi, SuperKEKB simulation and data,

48th B2GM, Jun.03.2024,
Y.Ohnishi, SuperKEKB during 2024a/b, ring-2024ab-ohnishi-240603.pdf
H.Ikeda, Sudden Beam Loss Events (what we know, what we are doing/will do), ring-sbl-ikeda-240603.pdf

47th B2GM, Jan.29.2024,
T.Abe, Fireball Hypothesis and Acoustic Observation for Elucidation of the Mechanism of Sudden Beam Losses at the SuperKEKB Main Ring, ring-sbl-fireball-abe-240129.pdf
K.Furukawa, Introduction to the electron/positron injector LINAC, linac-intro-furukawa-240129.pdf
M.Masuzawa, SuperKEKB Commissioning, ring-commissioning-masuzawa-240129.pdf

46th B2GM, Oct.23.2023,
Y.Funakoshi, Introduction to SuperKEKB, superkekb-intro-funakoshi-231023.pdf
H.Ikeda, Luminosity limiting factors and the countermeasures and strategy after LS1, superkekb-luminosity-ikeda-231023.pdf

45th B2GM, Jun.05.2023,
M.Yoshida, Linac status, linac-status-yoshida-230605.pdf
T.Kobayashi, SuperKEKB MR LS1 status, ring-status-kobayashi-230605.pdf

44th B2GM, Feb.13.2023,
K.Shibata, SuperKEKB MR status, ring-status-shibata-230213.pdf
M.Satoh, Linac status, linac-status-satoh-230213.pdf

43rd B2GM, Oct.10.2022,
Y.Arimoto, SuperKEKB MR status and upgrade during LS1, ring-status-arimoto-221010.pdf
T.Kamitani, Linac status and upgrade during LS1, linac-status-kamitani-221010rev.pdf

42nd B2GM, Jun.06.2022,
X.Wang, MR 2022 operation, ring-status-wang-220606.pdf
T.Natsui, Operation status and upgrade plan of the KEK-LINAC, linac-status-natsui-220606.pdf

41st B2GM, Jan.24.2022,
T.Ishibashi, Operation status of SuperKEKB, ring-status-ishibashi-220124.pdf
T.Natsui, Injector linac status, linac-status-natsui-220124.pdf, linac-status-natsui-220124.pptx

40th B2GM, Oct.18.2021,
F.Miyahara, Injector linac status, linac-status-miyahara-211018.pdf
K.Shibata, SuperKEKB status report, ring-status-shibata-211018.pdf

39th B2GM, Jun.21.2021,
M.Yoshida, Injector linac status, linac-status-yoshida-210621.pdf
A.Morita, Main ring status, ring-status-morita-210621.pdf
Y.Suetsugu, Long-term operation plan, plan-longterm-suetsugu-210621.pdf

38th B2GM, Feb.8.2021,
M.Satoh, Injector linac status, linac-status-satoh-210208.pdf
Y.Suetsugu, Long-term and short-term luminosity profile, plan-operation-suetsugu-210208.pdf
G.Mitsuka, Main ring status, ring-status-mitsuka-210208.pdf

37th B2GM, Nov.9.2020,
K.Furukawa, Injector linac status and energy margin, linac-status-energy-furukawa-201109.pdf
T.Mori, Investigation status of emittance blow up in electron beam transport line, bt-status-mori-201109.pdf
K.Shibata, SuperKEKB current status and future plan, ring-status-shibata-201109.pdf
B.Fulsom, Beyond 4S, beyond-4s-fulsom-201108.pdf

36th B2GM, Jun.22.2020,
M.Satoh, Injector Linac Status, linac-status-satoh-200622.pdf
H.Sugimoto, Status of SuperKEKB Main Ring, ring-status-sugimoto-200622.pdf
Y.Suetsugu, 2020c Run Plan and MEXT SuperKEKB Roadmap2020, plan-roadmap-suetsugu-200622.pdf
H.Nakayama, MDI-related Topics in 2020ab, mdi-nakayama-200622.pdf

35th B2GM, Feb.3.2020,
K.Furukawa, Injector Linac, linac-furukawa-feb2020g.pdf, linac-furukawa-feb2020g.pptx
Y.Ohnishi, Status of SuperKEKB and Plan of Spring Run 2020, ring-status-ohnishi-200203.pdf
Y.Suetsugu, Operation plans and Luminosity projections, ring-plan-suetsugu-200203.pdf, ring-plan-suetsugu-200203.pptx

34th B2GM, Oct.21.2019,
Y.Seimiya, LINAC Status and Plans, linac-seimiya-191021.pdf
T.Kobayashi, SuperKEKB MR Status and Plans, ring-kobayashi-191021.pdf

33rd B2GM, Jun.17.2019,
H.Ego, Approach to the more stable injector linac for SuperKEKB, linac-ego-190617.pdf
Y.Suetsugu, SuperKEKB Commissioning Status, ring-status-suetsugu-190617.pdf
A.Morita, Present Commissioning Issues & Tentative Next Run Plan, ring-commissioning-morita-190617.pdf

32nd B2GM, Feb.4.2019,
N.Iida, Injector Progress and Stable Injection, linac-iida-190204.pdf, linac-iida-190204.pptx
A.Morita, Run plan update & beam background study preparation, ring-plan-morita-190204.pdf
X.Wang, QCS quench protection, ring-qcs-wang-190204.pdf

31st B2GM, Oct.15.2018,
K.Furukawa, Injector status and plan, linac-furukawa-oct2018c.pdf, linac-furukawa-oct2018c.pptx
Y.Ohnishi, Phase 2 Achievements, ring-phase2-ohnishi-181015.pdf
Y.Funakoshi, Issue s in SuperKEKB Phase 2 Operation, ring-phase2-funakoshi-181015.pdf, ring-phase2-funakoshi-181015.pptx
A.Morita, Phase-3 Commissioning Road Map, ring-phase3-morita-181015.pdf

30th B2GM, Jun.18.2018,
M.Satoh, Injector Linac Status, linac-satoh-180618.pdf, linac-satoh-180618.pptx

29th B2GM, Feb.5.2018,
K.Furukawa, Pulsed Magnet, Waveguides, Injector Linac, linac-furukawa-feb2018.pdf, linac-furukawa-feb2018.pptx

28th B2GM, Oct.9.2017,
K.Furukawa, Waveguides, Domestic review, linac-furukawa-171009.pdf, linac-furukawa-171009.pptx

26th B2GM, Feb.9.2017,
K.Furukawa, Linac energy margin, linac-energy-170209c.pdf, linac-energy-170209c.pptx

25th B2GM, Oct.17.2016,
K.Furukawa, Status of the injector linac, b2gm-furukawa-injector-oct2016.pdf, b2gm-furukawa-injector-oct2016.pptx

24th B2GM, Jun.20.2016,
K.Furukawa, Preparations for Phase II (damping ring and linac), linac-furukawa-jun2016c.pdf, linac-furukawa-jun2016c.pptx

22nd B2GM, Oct.23.2015,
T.Higo, Injector, b2gm-linac-higo-151023.pdf, b2gm-linac-higo-151023.pptx

21st B2GM, Jun.26.2015,
T.Miura, Injector, b2gm-linac-jun2015b.pdf, b2gm-linac-jun2015b.pptx

19th B2GM, Nov.6.2014,
K.Furukawa, Injector status and schedule, b2gm-linac-furukawa-nov2014c.pdf, b2gm-linac-furukawa-nov2014c.pptx

18th B2GM, Jun.18.2014,
T.Kamitani, Injector status, b2gm-positron-kamitani-140618.pdf, b2gm-positron-kamitani-140618.pptx

17th B2GM, Feb.5.2014,
K.Furukawa, Status of SuperKEKB Injector, b2gm-linac-furukawa-feb2014.pdf, b2gm-linac-furukawa-feb2014.pptx


Belle Program Advisary Committee (BPAC) Accelerator Reports
B Factory Advisary Board Linac Reports (Japanese)
KEKB Accelerator Review Committee (MAC, ARC)
B2GM 2008 - 2018
Linac Projects
Linac Reports
Linac Conference Reports

Kazuro Furukawa <webmaster@mail-linac.kek.jp> , KEK, Apr.09.2018 - Oct.03.2024.
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