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1st Circular

Dear Colleagues,
I would like to announce the 1st International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC2012 ( The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) is pleased to host IBIC2012 in Tsukuba, Japan at the Tsukuba International Congress Center, 1-4 Oct. 2012.

In 2010, representatives from the Americas, Europe, and Asia agreed to merge the two regional workshops, BIW in North America and DIPAC in Europe, and combine with a newly-established Asian regional committee to create a new International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC, from 2012. This is a great milestone for the world beam instrumentation community, and it reflects the maturity of international collaboration in the field of beam instrumentation for accelerators.

IBIC will be dedicated to exploring the physics and engineering challenges of beam diagnostic and measurement techniques for charged particle accelerators worldwide. The conference program will include tutorials on selected topics and invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions. An industrial exhibition and a tour of the accelerator facilities at KEK and J-PARC will also be included.

The venue of IBIC 12 is the Tsukuba International Congress Center, a modern, dedicated conference venue, located in the heart of the city. Tsukuba is located 60 km east of Tokyo, and is Japan's largest research city with more than 300 research institutes. Tsukuba is also one of world's key sites for basic research in science and technology.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the 1st IBIC in Tsukuba.
Sincerely yours,

Toshiyuki Mitsuhashi (Chair)
On behalf of the IBIC 2012 Program Committee.

PS: You may receive this mail twice, since we are using the JACoW list of DIPAC and BIW registrants.
Apologies in advance for any duplication.

[ First Circular in PDF file (24KB)]

Page last modified on May 17, 2012, at 09:53 PM EST